Monday, February 01, 2010

NBA All Star 2010! Page 3 will be there!

In case you weren't aware, Cjessup and I are going to the All Star game this year at Texas Stadium. The real highlight of the week in my opinion will be Jam Session, because during Jam Session this year we will be witness to arguably the greatest dunk contest in the history of man. No NBA names, these are Dunking savants from across the globe who have won in their regions and are coming to Dallas to dunk in the Sprint dunk contest. Many are names well known the basketball insiders such as Team flight Brothers' Guy Dupuy and Former And 1 star Air up there (Mr. 720). They can outdunk anyone in the world, besides James White:
The dunk 720 does starting at 2:25 is one of the most outlandish things I have ever seen. EDIT: Sadly, Page 3 has learned that Guy will not be in the dunk contest, allegedly because he is playing professional ball overseas and has been disqualified for not being an amateur.

Ditto on Guy Dupuy's ridiculous between the legs OVER 2 people boom:

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